Synopsis: In a rebirth tale of love, betrayal, and intrigue, Grace Cloud, once the most blessed empress of the Zhou Empire, finds herself reliving her life with a second chance. Surrounded by doting brothers and a princely husband who adores her, Grace is determined to protect her happiness from those who would tear it down. As she navigates the treacherous path of the imperial court, she must confront her past, mend broken relationships, and ensure the safety of her loved ones. Alongside her, the princely husband and her brothers work in the shadows to support her, leading to a story of redemption and the power of family bonds.
Synopsis: In the celestial realm, Emily, the daughter of the Queen, is revered by all but despised by Thomas, who harbors a deep hatred for her. Despite her love and sacrifices, Thomas only sees her as the cause of his beloved Snow's downfall. As Emily endures the torment and the weight of Thomas's resentment, she discovers a secret that could change the course of their eternal lives. Will love find a way, or will the bitterness of the past consume them both?